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The Dos and Don’ts of Form Error Messages in WordPress

Form error messages play a crucial role in guiding users through the process of filling out forms on your website. Clear and effective error messages can enhance user experience, reduce frustration, and improve form completion rates. In this blog post, we will explore the dos and don’ts of creating form error messages in WordPress, using Hizzle Forms as an example.

The Dos of Form Error Messages

  1. Do Be Clear and Concise
    • Example: “Please enter your email address.”
    • Tip: Avoid technical jargon and use simple language that users can easily understand.
  2. Do Provide Specific Instructions
    • Example: “Your password must be at least 8 characters long.”
    • Tip: Help users correct their mistakes by providing clear guidelines on how to fix the error.
  3. Do Place Error Messages Close to the Field
    • Example: Display the error message right below or next to the field with the error.
    • Tip: This makes it easy for users to see which field needs attention without having to search for the error message.
  4. Do Use a Friendly Tone
    • Example: “Oops! It looks like you missed this field. Please fill it in.”
    • Tip: A friendly tone can reduce user frustration and encourage them to complete the form.

The Don’ts

  1. Don’t Use Generic Messages
    • Example: “Error: Please correct the highlighted fields.”
    • Tip: Generic messages do not provide enough information for users to fix the error.
  2. Don’t Overwhelm Users with Multiple Errors at Once
    • Example: Displaying all error messages at the top of the form.
    • Tip: Address errors one at a time to prevent users from feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Don’t Use Negative Language
    • Example: “You failed to enter the correct information.”
    • Tip: Negative language can frustrate users and discourage them from completing the form.
  4. Don’t Hide Error Messages
    • Example: Displaying error messages in a hard-to-see location or using colors that blend into the background.
    • Tip: Make sure error messages are prominently displayed and easy to read.

Editing Error Messages in Hizzle Forms

Hizzle Forms allows you to easily customize error messages for your form fields. Here’s how you can do it.


One response to “The Dos and Don’ts of Form Error Messages in WordPress”

  1. […] real-time feedback and clear error messages when users submit forms. Error messages should describe what went wrong and how to fix it. For example, if a required field is left blank, […]

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